
It often feels that there are many more pressures on people’s time making it hard to work out what to focus on.  Pareto talks about the 80:20 effect where 20% of our efforts produce 80% of our results.  Unless we are proactively prioritising, planning and managing our time we will not be as productive .  In addition, many people find it hard to accept that there are only so many hours in the day to do what is needed.  It can often lead to people feeling stressed, burnt out and dissatisfied which then reduces their ability to perform.

In this workshop you will learn some useful tools and techniques to maximise the time you have at work and concentrate on the things that will be of most value.  We will also think about your work life balance and how to achieve your aspirations in both areas, taking into account that time is limited.  Next, we look at neuroscience research about how the brain works and how we can increase our productivity by ensuring that we are in the best frame of mind to deliver what we need to do.


  • learn useful tools and techniques to manage, prioritise and plan your time
  • find out how to maximise your brain’s potential to be productive
  • minimise and manage emotional states that impact on your effectiveness
  • focus on the areas of your life that are the most important for you to succeed

Further Details

  • all who would like to understand and increase their effectiveness, efficiency and productivity both at work and at home
  • ½ to 1 day workshop