“The expectation that we can be immersed in suffering and loss daily, and not be touched by it, is as unrealistic as expecting to be able to walk through water without getting wet.”
Rachel Remen, Kitchen Table Wisdom

As this quote reflects, we have seen how the emotional burden carried by those working in education, nonprofit and other sectors can be overwhelming. If not processed, this can have a serious impact on staff’s mental, emotional, and physical health which can compromise their ability to perform their roles and detrimentally impinge on their lives outside of work.

Supervision is a key intervention for those working in education, nonprofit and other related environments to enable staff to stay healthy and resilient in their jobs, especially with the increase and severity of societal issues, especially since the start of the COVID pandemic.

We have extensive experience of providing supervision in the form of regular reflective practice groups, one-to-one reflective supervision sessions and psychodynamic coaching sessions to help staff manage the emotional burden of their roles. Also, when external supervision is not feasible, we provide training and support for peer supervision.

HealthyMinds@Work offer a psychodynamic approach to supervision, delivered by our team of experienced psychotherapists.  This approach allows individuals and groups to work at a deeper level, to understand the many emotional responses and unconscious reactions to complex dynamics often present at work. This helps to tackle those inaccessible issues which can affect performance and impact one’s emotional and mental health.


  • Develops the emotional intelligence and resilience of leaders and staff.
  • Improves wellbeing and staff retention.
  • Decreases risk of burn out and mental health issues in particular relevant to those working in emotionally challenging environments.
  • Improves the work of staff and leaders.
  • Contributes to the wellbeing of clients and their families.
  • Builds relationships between colleagues and peers.
  • Creates an experiential learning opportunity which offers support, understanding and self-development.

Who is it for?

Headteachers, senior leaders, DSLs and safeguarding teams, SENDCos, pastoral leads, teachers, and support staff within education.  Or staff in other sectors who deal with emotionally challenging work-based situations and material.