
DISC is a personality profiling tool which provides a language to discuss differences in preferences and ways of working.  It can be used to:

  • improve team working
  • increase your skills in influencing and working better with others
  • improve how you manage others
  • increase self-awareness and understanding the impact and effect you have on others
  • highlight areas of development and strength
  • help you to develop more effective ways and strategies to get the best from others

The results are based on over 30 years’ research on how people behave, and the questionnaire is the leading behavioural tool available today.

Individuals complete an online questionnaire, prior to attending a workshop, that generates a behavioural profiling report  based on 4 behavioural tendencies; dominance, influence, steadiness, compliance.  The workshop will help you work effectively together, collaborate, understand each other’s preferences, ways of working and inform conversations about how you move effectively and successfully through the team stages (forming, norming, storming and performing) to reach a high performing team.


  • understand my and other’s strengths, areas of development, preferences and ways of working
  • have a language to constructively discuss difference, conflict and how to work well together
  • increase awareness of my impact on others and how to influence different personality profiles
  • increase team working, understanding of differences, collaboration and cohesiveness

Further details

  • for all who want to learn more about their and others preferences in relation to strengths, areas of development and ways of working
  • ½ to 1 day workshop